Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Wiki wiki! Monday's sessions

I liked Monday's wiki presentation a lot too (see Derek's post below). Wiki means quick, I learned, and describes how easy it is to contribute to a wiki. I was impressed by the different uses the news libraries found for a wiki.

  • The Raleigh (N.C.) News and Observer uses theirs to share documents during breaking news stories.
  • The Columbus Dispatch has created a city almanac of people, places and timelines -- a geographic specific ready-reference resource.
  • At the St. Louis Post Dispatch, the library uses a wiki to host a department handbook that includes best practices, i.e. how to background a person, how to distribute the daily papers, etc.
The panelists said their Power Point presentations would be available on the News Division web site in about a week. I'll definitely be checking those out.
I also heard great reviews of the digitization panels they had yesterday, though sadly I did not attend.
Monday night, the highlight of the Proquest reception was the auction of a T-shirt from that said Times-Picayune: We publish come hell or highwater. (It sold for $80!) The whole room applauded after remarks about the work of news librarians and journalists during Katrina.


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