Friday, July 23, 2004

Photos from the News Division Awards Banquet
Barbara Semonche posted some photos from the Special Libraries Association News Division Awards Banquet on Monday, June 7, part of the 2004 Annual Conference.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Feedster's Democratic National Convention Feed
Feedster has set up a site with feeds from bloggers covering the Democratic National Convention.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

SLA Annual Conference Materials on the News Division Web Site
All of the presentations and handouts from the Special Libraries Association 2004 Annual Conference sessions the News Division sponsored I received are now in the SLA 2004 Annual Conference section of the News Division Web site.

Friday, July 16, 2004

Want to edit?

This announcement went out on Newslib-L. If you're a News Division member and interested in helping out, check this out:

Hello NewsLibbers,

Want to get more involved in the News Division? Our quarterly publication, "News Library News," needs a new editor. Ron Larson's excellent term as editor is drawing to a close and we're looking for someone to fill his shoes.

It's a two-year commitment, publishing four issues a year. But don't let that scare you off! It's a lot of fun and is a great way to learn about new developments in other libraries and the industry. You'll also get a chance to talk with lots of other Division members.

The job involves soliciting and editing stories, writing a column and overseeing production. No design skills are needed - that is all done by a professional designer.

So if you're curious, creative, a stickler for details and interested in taking on this job, please let me know (off-list) by July 30.

Both Ron and I would be happy to answer any questions. If you want to take a look at past issues of News Library News, go to

Leigh Poitinger
San Jose Mercury News
(408) 920-5972

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Bloggers Covering the Democratic National Convention
I finally got around to posting a note on the Thursday Meetings at Berkman Blog about the bloggers affiliated with that group who have credentials to cover the Democratic National Convention, as well as a few other resources related to blogging the DNC. Many bloggers have contact information on their weblogs.

I'm happy to be a resource for anyone interested in contacting one of the bloggers affiliated with the Thursday Meetings group. E-mail me if you'd like more information.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Crack researcher:
Margot Williams is actually called that in the lede of this Washington Post story. Margot used a spreadsheet to analyse White House salaries. Way to go, Margot!

Friday, July 02, 2004

Feedster Feed
Of course, what I should have done in the first place is try to figure out what happened to the feed we had through Feedster, which I just did. It appears some key elements related to the creation of that feed disappeared from the template. They should now be back and that feed should be working again. Perhaps this post will appear in my two picky aggregators to let me know that the feed is working again.

Addendum 4:45 pm: Yea! Got the Feedster feed working again. It's in one of my aggregators as we speak.

New Feed, Sort of
I tried to set up a new RSS-friendly feed via FeedBurner for this blog today, something Liz Donovan asked me to look into a while ago and I'm just now taking some time to try to do it. Note the XML button on the sidebar with the flame icon. The feed works okay in My Yahoo!, but I can't get it to work in my other two aggregators. If any of you out there using aggregators that don't like Atom feeds want to test the feed and let me know if it works, that'd be great. I know the two aggregators I can't get it to work in are incredibly picky. It may be that everyone else can receive the feed fine and I'll just have to look at the blog occasionally instead of having its content come to me.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Do requests for stories on NewsLib violate copyright?
To make sure this issue is known to all who use the NewsLib listserv, the News Division has promulgated a 'Best Practices' study. Result, with guidelines, has been posted to the NewsLib Web site by Barbara Semonche. Click on 'Best Practices: Copyright' for the report.