Cool Conference Programming, Early Bird Registration Ends Soon
As conference planner Amy Disch pointed out in her message to Newslib about News Division programs during the SLA Annual Conference (Lyris might require you to log in to view the message), June 13-18, 2009, there are many fabulous reasons to attend this year's event in Washington, DC. If the tour of NPR hosted by its librarians or the open house in the Newspaper and Current Periodical Room at the Library of Congress don't get you excited, perhaps the continuing education course Doing More with Less might pique your interest. Learn about negotiating, time management, dealing with the census, using social networking sites for research, and the humor publication The Onion through other conference sessions. Network with colleagues. Celebrate 100 years of the association.
Take advantage of SLA's early bird discount by registering no later than Friday, April 3!