Tuesday, July 26, 2005

NewsLib Mini: a new Wiki!

This message on NewsLib came from Anne Holcomb of the Kalamazoo Gazette:

NewsLib Mini is a Wiki for news librarians working solo or in small news libraries. Like the iPod mini, we are small but colorful!

If you are a solo news librarian or work in a smaller-size news library (or if your department is especially small compared to the rest of your organization), you're invited to post and participate on NewsLib Mini.

the website is http://newslibmini.pbwiki.com/

Please email me at aholcomb@kalamazoogazette.com to obtain the password to NewsLib Mini.

I would especially invite anyone who has previous experience with editing a Wiki and who can make some fun changes to the site, and maybe help out the rest of us (this is my first one...)!!

Some of the features so far include a place for you to introduce yourself and talk about your job, relevant information from the news of the day, a Q & A help page on issues facing administrators of small/solo news libraries, resources page, and fun/humor page.
Everything is pretty basic right now but I hope you can take a few minutes to participate and add something you have been thinking about or working on lately.
Anne M. Holcomb
Newsroom Librarian
Kalamazoo Gazette
401S. Burdick St.
Kalamazoo, MI 49007


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