Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Anonymous news librarian blogger

Richard Nelsson of The Guardian's research department sends word of a blog by a UK news librarian, written anonymously: Gaolhouse Blog. The blog's been around over a year, and although I don't see any news research connections on first scan, I'll take Richard's word for it.....

BTW, I found a link at the Gaolhouse that is worth checking out: Pubsub's list of the most influential librarian blogs. Number one: Sabrina Pacifici's BeSpacific! Congrats Sabrina. At least two other newslib member blogs show up here too: Eli Edwards' Confession of a Mad Librarian, and DrWeb's Domain, both in the '40s.


At 6:59 PM, Blogger waltc said...

Do note that the Pubsub list is extremely volatile (and measures only one dimension of influence). beSpacific has been quite high in the rankings for a while, not surprisingly.


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